Initial decoys/tripwires >+>(+)*10> fourteen cycles Trail forwards: we need to slow down enemy rushes/pokes (+>)*6 plus twelve cycles = twenty six cycles That was rule of nine length; we're now on the first possible flag ( Something pasted many times later is the defence code So it's explained once up here and then presented without explanation later This code is entirely aimed at playing for a draw and can only win if the opponent has a broken anti shudder code ( Check cell one tripwire <-[ It changed: we're either unlucky or facing a broken antishudder or full tape clear Use a three cycle lock pattern that changes the cell every cycle; that gives the best possible chance of a draw; three is better than two because an enemy program has already broken a two cycle lock; but start with an anti two cycle pattern because timer clears are popular nowadays <(+-++)*256(+-+)*33333 ]++> It's still zero: shudder for cell size minus six cycles Change by the same net amount as if we had been shuddering all along We need to use six rather than five cycles to get the parity correct for no change So we take the opportunity to set the tripwire to 2 rather than 1 half the time to reduce problems where it's confused with an enemy trail (++-+)*29++++++ <--[<(+-++)*256(+-+)*33333]+> (++-+)*29++++++ )*100000 )*0 [ plus one cycle = twenty seven cycles Cell nine is nonzero Assume a short tape and do a fast rush +++ plus three cycles = thirty cycles ( [- plus two cycles repeated seven times = fourty four cycles { The cell isn't near zero: it might be the flag Aim to turtle clear it If it doesn't clear to zero then abandon the fast rush and defend (-)*113(.-)*16(<)*7 plus one hundred fifty two cycles = one hundred ninety six cycles ( <-[<(+-++)*256(+-+)*33333]++>(++-+)*29++++++ <--[<(+-++)*256(+-+)*33333]+>(++-+)*29++++++ )*389 plus ninety nine thousand five hundred eighty four cycles = ninety nine thousand seven hundred eighty cycles There are two hundred twenty cycles left until the cycle limit Set a decoy on the cell to the left to buy us enough time against the fastest possible clear strategy /two cycle clear plus turtle/ that the enemy can't win from here <(+)*46 fourty seven cycles = one hundred seventy three cycles from limit Now clear cell ten or if it's blank eleven (>)*9 ten cycles = one hundred sixty three from limit We have enough time for an order seventeen turtle clear [(+)*111(.+)*35] >(+)*111(.+)*35 } ] > The cell's near zero, so it isn't a flag Do a stealthy fast rush; but when we encounter a large decoy we set a few large decoys of our own to slow them down (( [ -[(+)*2[ +[(-)*4[ -[(+)*6[ +[+[+[ (-)*5[-[-[(-)*3[-[-[ Unfortunately, we've lost track of our flag So we can only safely set two decoys; one might be a flag adjustment but at least we won't fall off our own end (<)*9(+)*60<(+)*60(>)*10 Our inner clear is a reverse offset clear; but the offset is smaller than the very large decoys some programs use so that we can beat such decoys on one polarity ((-)*80([-{[+.++]}][+]++>(-)*50)%900)*21 ]]]]]]]]]+>{}- ](-)*3>(-)*3](+)*3>(-)*2 ](+)*2>(+)*2](-)*2>(+)*1 ](-)*1>(-)*1](+)*1>(-)*0 ] > )%20)*20 )%7 ] If cell nine is zero: assume a long tape and defend Delete most of our decoys on the way back so that decoy skipping programs will die This strategy has trouble with decoy skipping programs otherwise (<-)*5<++< plus fourteen cycles equals fourty one cycles Defence code (<-[<(+-++)*256(+-+)*33333]++>(++-+)*29++++++<--[<(+-++)*256(+-+)*33333]+>(++-+)*29++++++)*18 It's possible that the opponent is a defender who hasn't attacked yet If they are they'll probably beat us when they arrive So use /one/ of our checks to check the cell to the right of our current cell If it has the value plus three /where we left it/ then assume a defender and use counter defence measures <-[<(+-++)*256(+-+)*33333]++>(++-+)*29++++++>---[ We were attacked; we're OK to continue with our strategy <(++-+)*29++++++ (<--[<(+-++)*256(+-+)*33333]+>(++-+)*29++++++<-[<(+-++)*256(+-+)*33333]++>(++-+)*29++++++)*370 Running this three hundred and eighty nine times total = we have spent a total of ninety nine thousand six hundred twenty five cycles = three hundred seventy five from the cycle limit <--[<(+-++)*256(+-+)*33333]+>(++-+)*29++++++<-[<(+-++)*256(+-+)*33333] plus one hundred thirty four cycles = two hundred fourty one from limit Set a decoy to our left: this will hold up any opponent long enough to hit the cycle limit if size fifty seven because the fastest way to clear it and the flag is a two cycle clear then a turtle clear and that still takes too many cycles (+)*57 fifty seven cycles = one hundred eighty four from limit We still want enough time to clear one cell; this will be the third possible flag cell as the first two are likely to have been cleared earlier and rule of nining opponents wouldn't have hit our decoy anyway if they were any nearer (>)*10 ten cycles = one hundred seventy four from limit We have forty six cycles spare for a turtle clear so do an offset turtle of order twenty three (+)*105(.+)*46 and that's the cycle limit ] We're facing a defence program; a cell skipping program; a program that sets no decoys on tape length twelve; or a program with a size three trail First wait for a while to verify that the opponent isn't trying to zero this cell < ( [ { It isn't; it's a true defence program Start by laying decoys on all nonzero cells until we meet the opponent > ( [ Either we've reached the opponent's decoys or they cleared our tripwire while we were setting a decoy; stop laying decoys now and start rushing but cautiously We start with a small decoy "reservoir" of one hundred Clear cells with an offset of five; spending one reservoir entry for each clear; until we hit zero; offset is unconditional to beat vibration programs /don't skip ahead on zero!/ This lets us get through many small decoys while keeping control of our control flow no matter what the opponent does (+++++ ( [ - { The reservoir ran out; we're past any small decoys and can safely assume large ones from here on out We use the golden ratio based clear algorithm from preparation; except adjusted to use a three cycle clear ( ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.-{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.+{. ([.-{. ([.-{. 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